Keraniganj Ambulance Service, 01911125156

Keraniganj Ambulance Service in Dhaka. We Provide Ac Ambulance, Non-Ac Ambulance, Freezing Ambulance, And ICU Ambulance services in all districts of Bangladesh. Enjoy 20 % Discount!

Ambulance service in Keraniganj

Keraniganj Ambulance Service

24 Hours Ambulance Service is available in the near area of Keraniganj. We Provide Ambulance service 24 hours a day, 7 Days a week, and 365 days a year. company provides emergency ambulances for cheap rent of ambulance services. We Provide Ac ambulance service, Non-Ac ambulance Services, Freezing Ambulance Services & Life support ICU Ambulance Services with doctors or brothers. We are always ready to provide Ambulance in any where in Bangladesh.


 Best Ambulance Service

Keraniganj Area Ambulance is available in the near area of Dhaka City. We provide always a Standard ambulance with the proper requirements. Contact us to Get an Emergency ambulance service anywhere in Bangladesh. Fast ambulance service provider company in Dhaka City. If you need the best ambulance service then contact us. 24 Hours ambulance service available.

Dhaka Ambulance Service Number

24 Hours Ambulance Service in Dhaka

Address: 250, Mogbazar  Holy Family Hospital Road, Dhaka – 1217 
Manager Name: Shahadat Shikder Shahadaat

Helpline: 01911125156

Hawlader Ambulance Service

Address: Mekap khan Road, Dhanmondi, Dhaka – 1205
Manager Name: Rasel Hawlader 

Helpline: 01727059122

Shikder Ambulance Service

Address: Basaboo, Dhaka – 1214
Manager Name: Mahir Shikder

Helpline: 01713260042

Online Ambulance Service

Address: Mirpur-10, Dhaka-1216 
Manager: Shanto Miya

Helpline: 01627669222

Emergency Ambulance Service

Emergency Ambulance Services providers are available in those areas. We provide emergency ambulance service in a few minutes. so If you need any type of ambulance service then contact us. 24 Hours ambulance service available. 

Khejur bagh ambulance service
Hasnabad ambulance service
Ekuria ambulance service
Bosak Vita ambulance service
Keraniganj Freezing Ambulance

Pagla ambulance,
Kundar Char ambulance service
Baktar char ambulance service
Zazira ambulance service
Fatullah ambulance service
Fatulla Freezing ambulance service

Najira bazar ambulance service,
Kholamora ambulance service,
Bramhankitta ambulance service
Kalindi ambulance service
24 hours Keraniganj ambulance
Keraniganj Emergency ambulance

ঢাকা হতে সকল জেলায় এ্যাম্বুলেন্স সার্ভিস দেওয়া হয়